Atlanta Real Estate Sale is a Mid-Market Mergers and Acquisition Intermediary firm. We specialize in finding quality Buyers for the Sellers with whom we work. Exploring the options of a merger or acquisition of a company can be a confusing process. We can help simplify this process.
Many entrepreneurs think that M&A transactions are to “sell out and be out”. An outright purchase is one option that many seek. Others involve Buyers who want the founder to stay on as the President or consultant. Some Buyers desire to become an equity partner by purchasing only a part of the company. Whatever option you explore, they all provide the primary benefit of converting your hard earned business asset into cash.
Every business has an opportune time range when the business valuation is at its peak. Chances are you do not have a realistic “Exit Plan”. You are not alone, very few entrepreneurs have a plan. Proactive planning will allow an exit from a position of strength.
Why Choose The Atlanta Real Estate Sale to sell your Company?
Strict Confidentiality Policy
Acccess to over 100 M&A Professionals, Nationwide
M&A Intermediary Services, as Finders, Since 1985
Extensive Research Capabilities
Over 1,000 Registered Buyers
Free Document Preparation
No Up-Front Fees Or Retainers
No Closing, No Fee
We invite you to learn more about Atlanta Real Estate Sale’s M&A Seller Services and how we can help.
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